Wohnsiedlung Vier Jahreszeiten

  • alloggi collettivi

With this residential complex at the edge of the city, a site has been created where residents meet in a bountiful garden, the enclosure of which also serves as a garden pavilion. Although the interior spatial organization of this cost-efficient structure remains the same throughout, various types and sizes of homes are still guaranteed.

Bearth&Deplazes Architekten, Chur @bearthdeplazes
Client: Bürgergemeinde Chur

Austrasse 35-45a, 7000 Chur GR

Photos: Ralph Feiner #ralphfeiner

Wohnsiedlung Vier Jahreszeiten

  • alloggi collettivi

With this residential complex at the edge of the city, a site has been created where residents meet in a bountiful garden, the enclosure of which also serves as a garden pavilion. Although the interior spatial organization of this cost-efficient structure remains the same throughout, various types and sizes of homes are still guaranteed.

Bearth&Deplazes Architekten, Chur @bearthdeplazes
Client: Bürgergemeinde Chur

Austrasse 35-45a, 7000 Chur GR

Photos: Ralph Feiner #ralphfeiner

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