Umbau eines Mehrfamilienhauses von Lux Guyer

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“Although a good hundred years old, the floor plans of architect Lux Guyer (1894-1955) are very modern. Her concept of arranging the rooms as equivalent units allows a lot, but also requires the residents to deal with the floor plan and, above all, their own living ideas. On Zollikerstrasse in Zurich, Marlène Witry and Theres Hollenstein have renovated one of their houses and, in doing so, have deliberately underlined the character of the original floor plans. The architects studied their peculiarities and translated them interpretatively into their measures.” – Andrea Wiegelmann, nominator SAY

Schürmann + Witry, Zürich/Stuttgart @schuermannwitry/Theres Hollenstein Architektur, Zürich @thereshollenstein
Client: Private

December 2020
Zollikerstrasse 257, 8008 Zurich

Photos: Linda Suter #lindasuter

Umbau eines Mehrfamilienhauses von Lux Guyer

  • alloggi collettivi

“Although a good hundred years old, the floor plans of architect Lux Guyer (1894-1955) are very modern. Her concept of arranging the rooms as equivalent units allows a lot, but also requires the residents to deal with the floor plan and, above all, their own living ideas. On Zollikerstrasse in Zurich, Marlène Witry and Theres Hollenstein have renovated one of their houses and, in doing so, have deliberately underlined the character of the original floor plans. The architects studied their peculiarities and translated them interpretatively into their measures.” – Andrea Wiegelmann, nominator SAY

Schürmann + Witry, Zürich/Stuttgart @schuermannwitry/Theres Hollenstein Architektur, Zürich @thereshollenstein
Client: Private

December 2020
Zollikerstrasse 257, 8008 Zurich

Photos: Linda Suter #lindasuter

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