Sanierung Gemeindezentrum Niedergesteln

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«A careful conversion and renovation of a historic 16th century residential and administrative building into serviced flats and community space, contributing to the revitalisation of the village centre.» – Rita Wagner, nominator SAY

Vomsattel Wagner, Visp VS #vomsattelwagner
Client: Gemeinde Niedergesteln

June 2022
Kirchgasse 2-6, Niedergesteln VS

Photos: Marco Schnyder

Sanierung Gemeindezentrum Niedergesteln

  • alloggi collettivi
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  • spazio pubblico

«A careful conversion and renovation of a historic 16th century residential and administrative building into serviced flats and community space, contributing to the revitalisation of the village centre.» – Rita Wagner, nominator SAY

Vomsattel Wagner, Visp VS #vomsattelwagner
Client: Gemeinde Niedergesteln

June 2022
Kirchgasse 2-6, Niedergesteln VS

Photos: Marco Schnyder

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