Hofbebauung im Wettsteinquartier

  • alloggi collettivi

This courtyard building develops an independent identity from the situation of being enclosed on all sides. Its arms stretch in such a way as to avoid situations of direct opposition. Instead, loggias are situated at the edge of each dwelling and offer a spatial filter to the neighbouring buildings.

jessenvollenweider, Basel @jessenvollenweider
Client: Wohnstadt Bau- und Verwaltungsgenossenschaft, Basel

March 2020
Riehenring 3, 4058 Basel

Photos: jessenvollenweider

Hofbebauung im Wettsteinquartier / Riehenring Courtyard Development

  • alloggi collettivi

This courtyard building develops an independent identity from the situation of being enclosed on all sides. Its arms stretch in such a way as to avoid situations of direct opposition. Instead, loggias are situated at the edge of each dwelling and offer a spatial filter to the neighbouring buildings.

jessenvollenweider, Basel @jessenvollenweider
Client: Wohnstadt Bau- und Verwaltungsgenossenschaft, Basel

March 2020
Riehenring 3, 4058 Basel

Photos: jessenvollenweider

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