Event-Schiff "Gannet"
Gannet is a lightship built in 1954 from approx. 550 tons of solid steel. Its original use was to warn and guide lost ships. Today, it is a beacon project for the harbour area and the transformation in Basels Klybeck area. Gannet houses an event space for concerts, performances, theatre and gastronomy. Most of the surfaces and installations are still visible, implemented design intentions are recognisable as such and, for mutual reinforcement, appear in contrasting materialisation as a continuous element in flamed maritime pine.
Verein ShiftMode, Basel/Caesar Zumthor Architekten, Basel @ceezzzzzzzzzzz
Client: Verein ShiftMode, Basel
August 2021
Uferstrasse 40, 4057 Basel
Photos: Verein ShiftMode / Xoff

Event-Schiff "Gannet"
Gannet is a lightship built in 1954 from approx. 550 tons of solid steel. Its original use was to warn and guide lost ships. Today, it is a beacon project for the harbour area and the transformation in Basels Klybeck area. Gannet houses an event space for concerts, performances, theatre and gastronomy. Most of the surfaces and installations are still visible, implemented design intentions are recognisable as such and, for mutual reinforcement, appear in contrasting materialisation as a continuous element in flamed maritime pine.
Verein ShiftMode, Basel/Caesar Zumthor Architekten, Basel @ceezzzzzzzzzzz
Client: Verein ShiftMode, Basel
August 2021
Uferstrasse 40, 4057 Basel
Photos: Verein ShiftMode / Xoff
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