Chesa Mariöl

  • alloggi collettivi

Six new multifamily houses conclude the Mariöl quarter in Lugano. The houses address both the desire to be part of a community, as well as the need for privacy. They are arranged close to each other on the street, leaving a large green space free. The principle of built and empty space is continued within the housing typologies, characterized by a closed and intimate part, and a generously open part, to the public spaces and landscape.

Jachen Könz Architetto, Lugano
Client: Privat

Juni 2021
Via Mariöl 31, 7524 Zuoz GR

Photos: Walter Mair

Chesa Mariöl

  • alloggi collettivi

Six new multifamily houses conclude the Mariöl quarter in Lugano. The houses address both the desire to be part of a community, as well as the need for privacy. They are arranged close to each other on the street, leaving a large green space free. The principle of built and empty space is continued within the housing typologies, characterized by a closed and intimate part, and a generously open part, to the public spaces and landscape.

Jachen Könz Architetto, Lugano
Client: Privat

Juni 2021
Via Mariöl 31, 7524 Zuoz GR

Photos: Walter Mair

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