Biozentrum der Universität Basel

  • scuole e asili

Rather than conceiving the new Biozentrum as an unapproachable research building, it is designed as a public space at the heart of an emerging new campus. The 73-m tower is a hybrid building with research facilities, lecture halls, a data center, and offices. The unconventional structural concept consists of facade columns including the building services and the horizontal forces transferred to facade frames in Vierendeel trusses. This allows a free floor plan without inner columns.

Ilg Santer, Zürich #ilgsanter
Client: Cantons of Basel Stadt & Baselland @kantonbaselstadt #kantonbaselland

January 2021
Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel

Photos: Daisuke Hirabayashi @daisuke.hirabayashi

Biozentrum der Universität Basel

  • scuole e asili

Rather than conceiving the new Biozentrum as an unapproachable research building, it is designed as a public space at the heart of an emerging new campus. The 73-m tower is a hybrid building with research facilities, lecture halls, a data center, and offices. The unconventional structural concept consists of facade columns including the building services and the horizontal forces transferred to facade frames in Vierendeel trusses. This allows a free floor plan without inner columns.

Ilg Santer, Zürich #ilgsanter
Client: Cantons of Basel Stadt & Baselland @kantonbaselstadt #kantonbaselland

January 2021
Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel

Photos: Daisuke Hirabayashi @daisuke.hirabayashi

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